Because they recognize that there may be some costs on your part in order to service their customer calls or perform various duties from your home office. It also can also encourage the job seeker to apply to a particular company that offers incentives without having to worry about going out and purchasing a new computer, printer, and other work-at-home equipment.
If you are a person that wants to work from home and having the proper work-at-home essentials has been holding you back, this post will provide you with some great resources to help you accomplish your goal. Now you can have just as much of a chance of being in the running to get a work-at-home job as anyone else.
You can find more than 100 companies that give you a free computer by visiting this page.
Here are a few companies that offer incredible perks to their remote workers listed below.
1. CPAP is a company that provides their home-based workers with a company PC so that you will not have to purchase one. I just listed a work-at-home opportunity for a website call center rep that pays $13 per hour on the weekly job section of You can view that job lead here.
2. Serco is another company that will give their remote workers all the computer equipment that they need to carry out their assignments. You will simply need to provide high-speed Internet. You can also view this job lead on the weekly job section of here.
3. ABC Financial will provide you with your computer equipment. You will need to have a fast Internet connection.
4. Accurate Background Inc. will reimburse you $60 on a monthly basis for your Internet and long-distance service.
5. Apple is a well-known company that will provide you with an iMac computer, offers benefits, and will give you discounts on their various Apple products. You can read what it is really like to work from home for Apple here.
6. American Express will provide you with computer equipment and money for your phone bill.
7. Century Link will give their home-based workers telephone service, high-speed Internet, and employee discounts so that you can purchase a new computer.
8. Citi Group will provide you with a computer, keyboard, headset, monitor, and phone.
9. Concero Resources will provide you with all your technical equipment to work from home and reimburse you for a high-speed Internet connection. Also provides employee benefits.
10. Higher One will reimburse you $30 for your phone service.
11. Lands End will provide you with a computer, software, and phone set.
12. Reynolds & Reynolds will provide you with a company car, iPhone, laptop, printer, scanner, copier, and a furnished corporate apartment.
13. Sedgwick will reimburse you for your phone, and Internet connection and also provides you with a computer, keyboard, and mouse if you get hired.
14. Windy City Call Center will provide you with a company headset to work from home.
15. Wintergreen Resort will provide you with a computer, 2 monitors, and a headset.