Many of you probably know that there is a way for you to earn money from your social media traffic. There are several sites that will pay you money to share things with your followers online. Some of the more well-known companies are Sponsored Tweets, Staree, and MyLikes. MyLikes is the largest content and social advertising platform in the world. If you are looking for additional ways to earn money at home, you may want to try MyLikes because it is one of the easiest ways to do so.
How does MyLikes work?
- Go to MyLikes official website and sign up to be a social, video, or web publisher using your email address or with one of your social media networks.
- Connect all of your social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, etc.
- Make sure that you include your Paypal address so that you can get paid.
- Pick from the available campaigns and start earning money!
For Social Publishers
You will get paid every Friday on MyLikes as long as you have $2 in your account. You can cash out directly to your Paypal account. There is a way to earn more money on MyLikes. How? Everyday MyLikes will reward the top earner with a $100 daily bonus which is a great incentive to take advantage of all their available campaigns.
Some things you will want to keep in mind so that you will not get your account deleted.
- Make sure that you read the frequently asked question page whether you sign up to be a social publisher, video publisher, web publisher, or all three.
- Posting MyLikes links on forums/social media pages that you do not control.
- Posting misleading/false messages in order to entice people to click on MyLikes links.
- Posting MyLikes links on social media profiles that contain excessive adult or offensive language.
- Posting MyLikes links on social media profiles that contains porn, hate, malware, or spam content.
- Posting MyLikes links on social media profiles that contains excessive automated content.
- Posting MyLikes links on forums, comment sections, and communities
- Excessive repeat posting of MyLikes links.
- Click/View spam – including tweeting the like multiple times, using some other software to tweet our links, asking your friends to click on our ads, excessive re-tweeting
- Falsely representing our advertisers in order to generate clicks
- Only posting ads or creating ad-specific Twitter or Tumblr accounts
- Creating Sponsored Likes and deleting them on Twitter or Tumblr
- Consistently creating videos and posts that are irrelevant to your audience
- If your Twitter account gets suspended, your MyLikes account will automatically get revoked
There are some people making hundreds of dollars a day on MyLikes to generate extra income. Even if you don’t earn this amount, you can still make a few extra dollars per month if you do this on a regular basis as a means to supplement your income, increase it, or even earn a full-time income doing so. Give MyLikes a try today and start earning easy money online.
CHUKWU MALACHI · February 11, 2014 at 11:06 pm
How add the MyLikes widget in my blog site
Angie · September 15, 2015 at 5:25 pm
I’m kinda doubtful I can make much with my small Twitter following, but I might as well try! A few bucks a month is better than no bucks a month 😉