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Do you have a Twitter account?  If so, did you know that there are several ways for you to earn money from your tweets online?  Twitter is not just a place for you to connect with your friends and followers or an avenue for you to let others know what you are currently up to.  You can also use Twitter to earn money from home.  Because it takes only a few seconds to tweet out a message online, it may be one of the easiest and fastest ways to earn money from home.

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Here are a few guidelines and tips to help you get started earning money from Twitter today!

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What will I need to get started?

If you don’t already have a Twitter account, you will need to sign up for one online.  You will need an email address for your Twitter account to be verified.  That is it!  Now you are ready to get started.

How much will I earn?

Because every company is different, it will depend upon which company you choose to sign up to advertise or promote their products.  Some advertisers pay more than others, so you will have to look at the rates of pay closely to see which ones you would like to work with.  It will also depend upon the number of followers you have on Twitter.  For example, you will earn more money for a sponsored tweet that you send out to your 20,000 followers than another person who sends out the same tweet with only 200 followers.  The more
followers you have the more you will earn.

How many companies can I sign up for?

You can sign up for as many as you want to.  There is no limit.

When do I get paid?

Some companies pay you the same day, the very next day, weekly, or when you reach your payment threshold.

What companies will pay me to tweet and more?

Find out how you can make money daily on social media

Tweet My Song – You can monetize your tweets by tweeting out any music and the latest hits from your favorite artists from this site.  You will need to have at least 350 followers to participate and make money here.

Soci Buzz – Monetize your social media traffic from Twitter, Facebook, and more!  Advertisers will pay you for each visitor you send to their websites.  You can earn from $50 up to $100 per month.  You will get paid weekly via Paypal.

My Likes – Earn money from your social media traffic by sharing ads with your followers on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, YouTube, and more!  You will get paid every Friday as long as you have at least $2 in your account.

Adly – You will need 150,000 followers on Twitter to join this network to earn money from your tweets.

Sponsored Tweets – A company that will pay you through your PayPal account to tweet out sponsored advertisements for cash.  You can choose to accept or reject any offers.

Pay4Tweet – Another website that will pay you as a publisher to earn money from your tweets.


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