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8 Telephone Mystery Shopping Jobs

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Have you ever worked as a mystery shopper where you go and visit an establishment or business to evaluate their service as a potential shopper?  It is really not a bad gig because you are getting paid to do something most of us do anyway.  What is that?  Shopping, of course.  Now you can work from home as a Telephone Mystery Shopper.

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It is a unique experience and rewarding at the same time to ask questions and gather information that may be used to improve the overall shopping experience of a particular company.  The fact that you will receive compensation in the form of reimbursement for any meals, service, repair, and so forth that you may have purchased for the mystery shop in addition to the cash payment that you receive per shop.  Some companies will even pay their mystery shoppers a cash bonus for completing shops that are urgent or need to be completed by a certain deadline.

If you would like to apply to be a mystery shopper but prefer to do so from home, there are a few companies that hire telephone mystery shoppers to make calls from their home office.  Before you accept any mystery shopping assignments, make sure that you will be able to complete the shop so that you will not forfeit your earnings.

Here is a list of legitimate mystery shopping companies that need at home telephone mystery shoppers.

  1. Call Center QA – This company is always on the lookout for legitimate telephone mystery shoppers to make calls from their homes or cell phones to evaluate businesses across the US.  The calls last 5-10 minutes each and pay $5 per call.  No experience is needed if payment is made via PayPal so you will need a verified PayPal account.
  2. Intelicheck – Work from home if you live in the US or Canada making telephone mystery shopping calls to obtain pricing information regarding tires, cost of an oil change, warranty information, etc.  You will need at least 6 months of experience, a pleasant phone demeanor, a quiet work environment, and a landline or mobile phone.  You can earn $50 up to $100 a day working for this company if you are efficient with the calls.  You read more about how you can move up in the company and what you can expect to work for Intelichek here.  You can also find out about their application process here.
  3. Yardi Matrix – Work from home as a rent surveyor calling various apartment communities to ask them a variety of questions about rental pricing, specials, etc.  This company hires on a seasonal basis where you will work up to 8 weeks at a time.  You must be accurate and thorough.
  4. ARC LLC – This company is always looking for those with an excellent phone presence and strong listening skills to complete customer satisfaction surveys from home.  Pays $3 to $12 per call twice a month.
  5. SkilCheck Services – This company is looking for individuals of all ages to make telephone mystery shopping calls to companies all over the US and Canada.  You will need a phone with an unlimited plan, a computer or tablet, and be familiar with a cloud server.
  6. BestMark – Another legitimate mystery shopping company that needs mystery shoppers to complete mostly automobile shops where you will visit an automobile dealer and inquire about new vehicles, and complete minor repairs including oil changes, tires, as well as food, video game, and furniture shops.  There is also a need for telephone mystery shops.  This company pays via paper check in the mail every other Friday.
  7. Telexpertise – This company needs telephone mystery shoppers and call evaluators to work from home.  You can earn up to $75 a month doing this from home.
  8. Perception Strategies – Get paid to complete healthcare mystery shops where you complete in-person shops, competitor and customer service call shops as well as customized appointment calls, and more.  Please visit their official website to find out more and to apply to be a healthcare mystery shopper.

Have you worked as a mystery shopper before or planned to?  If so or if you know of any more legitimate mystery shopping companies that can be added to this list, please leave me your comments below.


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