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Are you interested in starting your own website, blog, or online store?  Do you like the idea of blogging and sharing your knowledge, tips, services, or products with others?  If so, you may want to consider acquiring a website from Weebly.  I have personally used Weebly myself and I was very impressed with the features that they offered as well as the professional appearance of my personal website.

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If you are a person that uses the Internet to search online or have less than average tech-savvy skills, Weebly would be perfect for you.  Here are some reasons why Weebly is still very popular among bloggers.

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  • It is free!
  • Easy to use
  • Great for beginners
  • Looks very professional
  • Has drop and drag features
  • Can be set up in less than a day
  • Very user-friendly
  • Has free beautiful themes and photos
  • Several options for you to monetize (make money) your Weebly blog.
  • Can create a website from your smartphone

Weebly has everything you need to start your own mommy blog or business online.  The free plan on Weebly comes with 5 pages for you to put content on as well as hosting.  There is no need for you to purchase hosting anywhere else.

Weebly features

The drop and drag features including photos, videos, ads, etc. are less intimidating than a traditional or static website where you will have to log in through the back end or administrator side in order to gain access to your site and build it from there.  You can also preview how your site will look to others and also make any changes to it before you publish it to the world.

You get many of the features that other sites offer minus the stress and frustration that comes with designing a site yourself.  There are some things that you won’t get with a Weebly site such as your own domain but you can purchase one from Weebly or GoDaddy for as little as $10 per year!

Here are some examples of a Weebly blog that you can view below.


How to make money with Weebly
You can use your Weebly blog to earn extra money by including sponsored advertisements, posts, brands, and other offers for your blog readers.  The money that you earn may even generate full-time income if you are persistent and acquire some traffic to your blog.
Whether you are thinking of starting your own recipe, crafting, DIY, decorating, makeup, home improvement, coupon, personal, travel, or some other blog idea, give Weebly a try.
How to get a Weebly Blog
Sign up here for a free Weebly blog today and you will be surprised to find out just how easy it is to use.  Don’t forget to promote and share your blog once you have published it online!


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