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Get paid hundreds of dollars to particiapte in Clinical Trials

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If you have suffered from and have been diagnosed with a medical condition, did you know that you can get paid hundreds of dollars for clinical trials?  You will also receive free consultation and treatment by a medical doctor, receive free medications, and even get paid hundreds or thousands of dollars depending upon the study you participate in.

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Paid Clinical Trials have been going on for years and there is a real need for people to help themselves and others by trying out new medications that could help them to cope with their condition.  If you would be willing to use your time to participate in a paid clinical trial, please check out the most recent studies including the pay listed below, and sign up today.

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New Paid Clinical Trials

Fibroids/Endometriosis Trial

Local doctors are looking for Premenopausal females and Symptoms include heavy menstrual bleeding, pain/pressure in the abdomen and lower back pain, pelvic pain, infertility, and excessive bleeding to volunteer for no-cost research studies.

People who volunteer and qualify for one of these important studies may receive*:
•Compensation up to $500, which varies by study
•No-cost study medication
•No-cost study-related care for the length of the study

Space is limited! Get started now. Click Here.


Asthma is a respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. About 300 million people are affected with asthma worldwide Asthma symptoms include: coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, etc.
See if you qualify for a health study in your area.  We’re looking for qualified participants to visit our nationwide research locations to participate in paid research trials. Take this brief survey to see if you qualify.  If you qualify, you will be asked to provide a phone number to schedule your in-person interview. Payouts per study vary, but you are welcome to ask for specific details when you are called.


Have you noticed symptoms such as feelings of sadness, withdrawing interest from daily activities, negative thoughts, or depression? If so, you may be eligible to volunteer for research studies of investigational treatments.  People who qualify may receive:

•Compensation up to $500, which varies by study
•Study medication at no cost for the length of the study
•No health insurance needed

Space is limited! Get started now. To Join Click Here

Type 2 Diabetes Diet & Exercise

Local doctors are looking for people with Diabetes and a history of heart attack, stroke, or other heart conditions to volunteer for no-cost research studies.

People who volunteer and qualify for one of these important studies may receive
•Compensation up to $600
•No-cost study-related care for the length of the study

Type 2 Diabetes

Local doctors are looking for people with Diabetes and a history of heart attack, stroke, or other heart conditions to volunteer for no-cost research trials.

People who volunteer and qualify for one of these important studies may receive*:
•Compensation up to $500
•No-cost study medication
•No-cost study-related care for the length of the study

Space is limited! Get started now. Click Here.

Pediatric ADHD

Have you noticed symptoms in your children between 6-12 years of age such as feelings of hyperactivity, withdrawal from friends and activities, poor school performance, and inattention? If so, your child may be eligible to volunteer for research studies of investigational treatments.

If the child qualifies may receive*:

• Payment which varies by study up to $700
• No-cost study medication
• No-cost study-related care from local doctors

Space is limited! Get started now. To Join Click Here

Chron’s Disease

Research trials are an important part of developing future treatment options. Without them, progress in medicine would not be possible. Right now, doctors are looking for people with Crohn’s for local research studies.
Those who qualify may receive*:
• Payment which varies by study up to $700
• No-cost study-related care for the length of the study.
Space is limited! Get started now. To Join Click Here

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Local doctors are looking for people with swollen, stiff, and intense joint pains to volunteer for research studies of Rheumatoid Arthritis treatments.

If you or someone else struggles with Rheumatoid Arthritis, volunteer and qualify for one of these important studies you may receive*:

•Payment (or) Compensation up to $625
•No-cost study-related medical care from local doctors & specialists in your area
•No-cost study medication for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Space is limited! Get started now. To Join Click Here


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