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If you are already using Pinterest, you are familiar with the way that it works.  You pin items, photos, and images from all across the web to your boards online.  You can have a themed board that is dedicated to nature, your craft projects, or even your favorite foods.  It is really fun and easy to use!  More and more people are using Pinterest today.  Well, now you can get paid to pin items to your board on Pinterest through a company called Pinbooster.  What could be easier than that?  Here are some more details on how you can get started and what is involved.

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Sample Pinterest Board

How does it work?

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You sign up on Pinbooster using your email address as a Pinterest user and confirm your email address with the follow-up email from Pinbooster.

How long does it take?

Initially, your confirmation email confirmation will happen right away but your account may not be ready for a couple of hours or so.  You will be notified when it is active and then you are ready to accept offers from advertisers.

What is involved?

You will simply pin photos to your board from advertisers that you choose to work with for a certain amount of money.  It only takes a few seconds.  You will have to include a disclosure anytime you pin a sponsored ad using #ad or #sponsored in your description.  The law requires that you disclose this information to the public.

How much will you make?

It depends on how many followers you have.  The more followers you have the more you will earn per pin.

When do I get paid?

You get paid 24 hours after your pin goes live online!  You can withdraw the money to deposit in your account after you have earned $100.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up on their official website here as a Pinterest user on Pinbooster to earn money.  If you are not currently a Pinterest user, you will have to get an invite to sign up for Pinterest (which is free) from a Pinterest user.  If you want to sign up for Pinterest to earn money on Pinbooster, please send me your email address and put “Pinterest” in the subject line and I will send you an invite.  You can contact me by clicking here.


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