Would you like to stock greeting cards in your spare time for extra money? This is not necessarily a work-at-home job but it is a job that will allow you to work part-time visiting stores in your local area stocking their card aisles and keeping their displays full of greeting cards. Some of the work that you will perform stocking greeting cards will need to be completed from home.
What are the job duties?
Some of the duties may include: accessing the website and inputting data, checking your email, printing off documents, and so forth. It would be an ideal job for stay-at-home moms, retirees, students, or anyone with some spare time who likes the idea of working independently and has an interest in this line of work.
As a greeting card merchandiser, you will be responsible for putting out new cards on the various display shelves, getting rid of old merchandise, setting up displays, and making sure that everything is neat and presentable so that customers will have an enjoyable experience when they are shopping for greeting cards for that special someone in their life.
There are several greeting card stocking or merchandising jobs available from HDA Merchandising that you can apply for online. They do pay for your training which is provided online. Here are some basic requirements for greeting card stockers.
- Previous merchandising experience
- A camera
- You will need to have your own vehicle
- Be able to stand, lift, and reach
- Have a bank account for direct deposit payments
If you would like to read more details please click here to find out more information about the greeting card stocking jobs. If you would prefer to write slogans, poems, or funny stuff for greeting cards and earn extra money from home, please click here for a list of companies that you can apply to.