This post may contain affiliate links but I only recommend sites that I have personally researched, trust or use.
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I have tried almost everything to earn money working from home.  Anything from getting paid to surf the Internet, to taking surveys, answering questions, watching videos, and everything in between.   You may have as well.  Have you ever wondered if these sites really do pay or not?

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I always wondered about this myself so I decided to write a post about those who pay and those who do not.

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Believe it or not, there are more companies that actually do pay you for your time and efforts as this list will confirm than those who do not.  (This list does not include sites where you have to pay a fee to join, otherwise, this post would be very lengthy).  Some of the companies that I got paid from are so outdated and no longer in existence there would be no need to mention them but I did want to share with you those that are actively paying their users, workers, and members, and are still in business today.

I tried to list as many as I could think of in this post but if there are some that are not included here, it doesn’t mean that they do not pay or are not legitimate, it could be due to the fact that I have either not signed up or tried them as of yet, or I simply forgot to mention them.

Hopefully, this list will enlighten and validate the misconception about earning money from your computer.  Many of the companies that are on this list are still actively looking for people to get paid to work for them doing a variety of tasks.  If you would like to sign up, please click on the links below.

If there is a company or companies that you have gotten paid from or not, please leave me your comments below.

Sites that Pay you to Work from Home
Amazon Direct Publishing – Pays you when your ebooks sell.
Amazon Mturk – Pays you to complete short tasks in data entry, web verification, and more.
Big Crumbs – Pays you cash back to shop at your favorite stores.
Blog Frog – Pays you when you allow advertisements to run in your online communities.  They have changed the name to Tap Influence and beginning on May 31, 2013, will no longer offer this option.  I will make a new review about this company later.  You can still earn money from this company.
Bubblews – Pays to write short articles on any subject.  One of my favorites!
Cash 4 Books – Pays you to sell your used books and ship them for free.
Clickworker –  Pays you to complete a variety of tasks from home including writing, translation, and more!
Cloud Crowd – Pays you to complete several tasks in data entry, writing, translation, etc.
Constant Content – Pays you when you sell your original articles to buyers.
Createspace – Pays you when you sell your paperback books on Amazon and other worldwide channels.
Endorse – App that pays you cash back when you shop.
Global Test Market – pays you to complete surveys online.
Gazelle – Pays you to sell your games, iPads, iPhones, and more!
Harris Poll – Pays you rewards or gift cards for your opinions.
Hubpages – Pays you to write articles, for your videos, answer questions, etc.
Humanatic – Pays you to listen to calls from your computer and sort them into categories.
Ibotta – A popular app that pays you cash back when you purchase your favorite products at the grocery store.
iPoll – Pays you cash to complete surveys from home.
Ipsos Isay – Pays you to answer questions in a survey form.
LEO Opinions – Pays you at least $1 or more for every survey you complete.
My Points – Pays you to read emails, take surveys, and to shop online in the form of gift cards.
NCP – Pays you cash and rewards for your views on products you buy.
Opinion Outpost – Pays you cash to complete and answer surveys online.
Paid Viewpoint – Pays you to take very short surveys in a minute or less.
Panel Polls – Pays parents, kids, and teens, for their opinions, to watch TV shows, trailers, movies, etc.
Parent Speak – Pays you $1 and up for each short survey you complete.  For parents only.
Pay4Tweet – Pays you cash when you charge people to tweet messages to your followers on your Twitter page.  You can also make money by selling your tweets.
Pinecone Research – Pays you $3 for every survey you complete.
Poll Buzzer – Pays you $1 for every question you answer in the form of multiple choice.  Takes seconds.
Post Loop – Pays you to comment on forums.
Rewardia – Pays you gift cards and rewards to answer trivia questions about TV shows and movies.
Slicethepie – Pays you to listen to music and write short reviews.
Sponsored Reviews – Pays you to write reviews on your blogs for money, even as high as $200 or more.
Sponsored Tweets – Pays you to tweet out sponsored ads to your followers.
Survey Savvy – Pays you cash for your opinions.
Swagbucks – Pays you rewards and gift cards to watch videos, search the web, play games, and more!
Tellwut – Pays you gift cards to take fun surveys online.  This is a favorite among users.
Textbroker – Pays you to write
Viewpoint Forum – Pays you to complete surveys and get free products to try and keep in your home.
Virtualbee – Pays you to type in data, for phone verification, search the web, and more!
Sites that Don’t Pay you to Work from Home
Hausernet – Mail Decoy company that will pay you to get mail sent to your home and you log onto the system to enter the numbers on the front of the envelopes, catalogs, etc.  I am including this company because I had to haggle with them in order to get my money.  They finally sent me a check 3 months later but I am not sure if I received all of it.
GARB – Survey panel that is supposed to pay you for your opinions and insight into a major apparel manufacturing company.  I have never received payment.
Greenfield Online – Survey company that pays you for your opinions and to complete long surveys.  Never paid.
Megatypers – Company that states they will pay you to type in captcha codes from your computer.  Have yet to get paid.
Merchant Circle – This company used to pay you to write articles and reviews but has since been phased out and no longer offers this option.  Never got paid for my content.
Just a reminder (make sure you research a company you are interested in before you sign up).


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