Are you currently attending a college or university and in need of some extra cash? Most likely you are and if so, there are a few practical ways that you achieve this by either working from home part-time, doing simple tasks online, or other ways.
If you are not enrolled in school at this time, you can still benefit from this list if you prefer a flexible schedule, need to only work part-time hours or you are just in need of some side income while you are in between jobs or to supplement your income.
All of these jobs fit this bill because many of these jobs allow you to choose and set your own hours so that you can pick the best schedule for you. Here is a list of 20 practical work-at-home jobs for students and others that want to work part-time.
20 Practical Work at home Jobs for Students
Right now is a great time to apply to work from home as a rent surveyor for this company. It is an easy, part-time work-at-home job that requires no selling or previous experience. You will call various apartment communities and ask them simple questions. You can use your cell phone. It is a temporary assignment that starts on May 2nd. Make sure that you apply online if you are interested.
This company is always looking for telephone mystery shoppers to work from home evaluating various businesses online. This job also requires no experience. The call volume may vary at times so I would only use this as a side income. The calls last from 5-10 minutes each and pay $5 per call within 7 days via your PayPal account.
This company is still looking for people to type in registrations and signatures from home. You can use a PC or Mac. There is flexible scheduling and you can read more about this job and apply online, by checking out my full review here.
This company hires home-based call center reps to take calls by logging into their dialing system from home. No high sales tactic measures are involved. This is a part-time 20-hour-a-week position that is perfect for students and others who need a flexible schedule. They have virtual training and it pays $9 per hour to start.
This company is always looking for drivers to make extra money helping customers get food delivered right to their door. You can make up to $20+ per hour driving your own car setting your own schedule. Checks will be deposited into your bank account every week. In order to be a driver, you must be: 21 years of age, have a 4-door vehicle, a driver’s license, and insurance.
Work from home evaluating the web and comparing them to ads as they relate to the search engine results. This is an hourly work-at-home position that allows you to work your own schedule as long as you meet the 20-hour requirement. Testing is required.
Belltower Books
This company hires students to buy back textbooks from students on campus. You must have a smartphone and be on a college campus to qualify. This job pays around $16 per hour based on performance via check or PayPal.
Another company that needs freelancers to complete crowdsourcing tasks in search engine evaluation, website content moderator, data collection crowd worker, and more.
Uhaul has several part-time work-at-home jobs where you will assist their customers with rental reservations, dispatch, and more. Paid training is available. Several shifts to choose from.
Maritz CX is also looking for market research interviewers to work from home part-time conducting market research interviews by phone. You will need basic reading skills and the ability to follow directions. Weekly pay via direct deposit. You can read the full job description by going to WorkersonboardTalk here.
Work from home helping others get more information about the products and brands they love. You will assist customers via a chat platform. You can find more work-at-home chat jobs here.
Work from home as a virtual assistant helping others with various tasks like scheduling doctor’s appointments, reserving hotels, and more. Flexible hours. Pays per task.
This company needs social media users of all ages to improve the news feed of the world’s largest social media platform. They also have openings for web search evaluators, translators, transcribers, and more.
Make extra money renting out your car to others for easy cash. You can list your car on Turo’s site for free and someone can either come and pick up your car to use, you can meet your guests at the airport or other locations, or park your car on Turo’s lot for guaranteed extra monthly income.
The Active Network is currently hiring camping reservation agents and hunting and fishing sales license and harvest agents to work from home assisting customers with reservation requests or license requests, answering questions, and more. No outbound calls or selling are required. This position includes weekend work. You will need to work 25-30 hours per week. Hourly pay.
Would you like to tutor someone from home? If so, Brainfuse has several tutoring positions that are flexible and allow you to work and set your own schedule from home. Part-time work and hourly pay.
This company is always on the lookout for call reviewers to listen to calls and sort them into categories from home. No experience is required and it is a very easy work-at-home job. This is also a non-phone work-at-home job. Pay is low but there are peak times when you will earn more. You can also do this job right from your smartphone with their smartphone app. You can work whenever and for however long you want to.
Work from home as an independent contractor for Live Ops taking customer service calls. This company is open 24/7 so there is room for you to have a schedule that fits in with your lifestyle.
Another company also hires independent contractors to work from home as search engine evaluators. The pay is above average and you can also work your own schedule as long you meet the weekly hour requirement. You will need excellent web research skills.
Work from home as a website tester visiting various websites and giving your honest feedback. Each test will take no more than 20 minutes for you to complete. You can work this job whenever you want for as long as you want. Pays via PayPal in 7 days after you complete your test.
Other Ways to Make Money as a Student
40 Ways Teens can make money this summer
Fiverr– Creating and selling online gigs to others for $5 and up.
Fetch Rewards – Get paid to scan receipts from any store. Use code G4HBH for a free gift card when you join.
Mintvine – Use this company to earn real cash when you complete online surveys, try local deals, complete short tasks online, and more. Must be at least 13. Pays via PayPal or gift cards.
Pinecone Research – A favorite among survey panel members because you will qualify for almost every survey you are invited to and the surveys pay $3 each.
Feature Points – Another smartphone app that will pay you to download and try completely free apps. You will need to keep the app installed for a couple of minutes to get credit.
Bankrollbucks – Earn easy cash when you click to visit other websites, take paid surveys, and more. Open in several countries and you must be at least 13.
Paid Viewpoint – Take mini polls that last less than 2 minutes for cash. You will earn cash for every poll or survey that is available. Cash out when you have $13 via PayPal. You can also earn up to $25 per referral. Find out how by watching this YouTube video.
If you are a teen and looking for ways to make money online and want to know if there are any companies that will hire you to work from home, check out this page here.
More ways for students to earn at home
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