As you know, there are a lot of work-at-home scams on the Internet today. This is partly due to the fact that people are desperate to make money online and will do whatever it takes to accomplish this. Whether it means luring potential job seekers with a fake work-at-home opportunity, job offer, money-making scheme, envelope stuffing job, and anything in between.
They may put aside what they know is right in their heart to do and still promote and advertise these scams all the while knowing that the only person who will benefit from it is themselves.
Craigslist is a site that many of these scammers will use to target honest and unsuspecting people who truly have the desire to work from home. The reason for this is that Craigslist is a heavily trafficked site that gets an incredible 50 billion page views per month from all over the world. They can also promote these scams with very minimal investment (if any at all) depending upon what city they post the job offer in.
Many are not even aware that the job offers or promise of making an online income are a fraud until after they have been scammed. Even though this is the case, there are legitimate companies that will really hire people to work from home but they can be hard to find especially on Craigslist. Hard to find but not impossible. I have found legitimate companies advertising available positions on Craigslist. Some of the companies include but not limited to are Pierce Eislen, Virtualbee, USA Contact Point, Bird Dog Media, Crowd Source, Transcribe Team, and many others.
There is a whole discussion about how to avoid scams and some tips for work-at-home job seekers that you can view on my forum community WorkersonboardTalk.
Thanks for your getting back to me your kind e-mail was greatly appreciated I am a Certified Payroll Specialist (CPS) I work as a contractor by Outsourcing Checks for various companies. So they provide me with the bank accounts and just one authorized signature to operate and use to print and mail out checks to their numerous clients. Now I am looking to expand my service and therefore want to hire a Personal Assistant on contract who have an idea on how to operate and work with the ezCheckPrinting Software or is a quick learner and can easily learn it.
Please read carefully and digest all the following details.
Listed Below are the requirement(s):
(1) Must be fast enough to print checks neatly and have a good background.
(2) Must have good knowledge of how to package each check-in envelope making sure they are very secure, confidential, and official.
(3) Must have a good printer and scanner for perfect and quality printing of checks.
(4) Must be able to print and mail out checks before the UPS courier service pickup time in his/her location.
As a Personal Assistant that will be printing and mailing out checks, there are special supplies needed.
(1) ezCheckPrinting Software
(2) Business check form #3000 or form #1000
(3) Legal Size regular/standard envelopes
Note: (1) You must have an effective color printer with efficient black Ink. The Ink must be compatible with the printer you’re using.
(2) You do not need to purchase the ezCheckPrinting Software because it is too costly, so therefore I will purchase the software and send it to you.
(3) You are required to purchase just the business check form papers so as just to show commitment to the Job. Please note that this is 100% real and legit, so the fact that you are asked to purchase the papers doesn’t mean one is trying to get money out of your purse, remember you will be the one to be using the papers for printing and you are expected to purchase it so you can take it more serious and personal as if it’s your own too. But note that you will be reimbursed for the purchase of the papers.
*Salary and Benefits*
With a competitive salary and excellent benefits including vacation, sick, and holiday time, this job requires a minimum of 14-15 hours per week you will be paid $900 Bi-weekly working from your home. If sufficient work is available, you may be asked to work additional shifts and you will receive additional pay for the extra time worked.
If you happen to search for work-at-home jobs on Craigslist, please make sure that you watch this video for some helpful tips, if you are new at doing this.
Jen · April 18, 2018 at 9:42 pm
I was recently approached similarly. It was a man named David Lemon. They were to pay me $1100 at the end of the month via PayPal. When I received the first group of checks they all said the same name in the memo section. Upon asking and saying I felt it was a scam, he reassured me, in broken English, that it was payment regarding one agent. And that it was 100% legit and that he understood my concern.
He in no way verified my background to make sure I was trustworthy and not a criminal. It just didn’t feel right so I blocked him and deleted my email account which he suggested I open. Please be careful of these scammers guys.
aw1219 · April 26, 2018 at 2:51 pm
Thank you for sharing all the details about your experience. I am glad that you decided to refrain from going any further. I am sure this will help a lot of people.
Jen · April 26, 2018 at 5:18 pm
Thank you. I truly hope it helps. I don’t want any innocent person to fall for this and get in trouble. Nor do I want anyone to contribute in this huge pyramid scheme of scamming innocent people out of their hard earned money.
Please note, they offer to pay you through PayPal so you don’t think it’s a scam. But it absolutely IS!!!!
Jan · May 1, 2018 at 11:50 pm
I have been contacted about a payroll asst job. I’m supposed to get a check tomorrow for 1400. The lady said to keep 400 and buy eBay gift cards with the other 1000 to purchase checks, envelopes and the printer. What do you think I should do?
aw1219 · May 3, 2018 at 2:20 pm
Please do not go forward with this. It seems very suspicious to get paid for work that you haven’t even completed yet plus not to mention the fact that the person is claiming to pay you such a high amount. Did you apply to this position in the first place?
Jen · May 3, 2018 at 5:55 pm
Never cash a check from any outside UNKNOWN source. Once it hits your bank they have access to your account information. They will also typically bounce and you will be left with additional charges and your account will be wiped out. DO NOT CASH THIS CHECK!!!!
NFriend · March 10, 2022 at 3:42 pm
MESSAGE TO ME FROM INDEED for Westec Inc – Payroll Clerk
Wed, Mar 9, 7:37 AM (23 hours ago) to
Good Morning,
I applied for the Payroll Clerk position with Westec Inc. I received the following message via Indeed email.
“Westec Inc 2:42 AM Kindly send email to “” and ask for Chris Anderson to arrange an interview. Also provide your address so we can send you an application pack. Thank you”
I look forward to your call to set up an interview.
Thank you, thank you very much,
REPLY FROM CHRIS ANDERSON : Chris Anderson 6:45 AM (50 minutes ago) to me
Attn: Nancy,
We are currently seeking independent contract workers across the states to handle the printing of pay-checks and dispatching of letters to our clients. Your application was received for the Payroll Clerk opening via Indeed and we believe that you are interested in filing this position. This job simply/solely entails the printing and mailing of pay checks to about 40-70 clients and workers weekly, after the taxes and deductions have already been done. Upon acquisition of the required supplies, you will undergo an online training session during which you shall be provided with the necessary printing software and materials required for processing weekly.
Items Required
The following supplies are needed for startup:
* Functioning personal computer system
* A printer brand and model# must be specified
*Check paper:
(i) Form #3000 Business Standard
(iii)Form #1000 Business Voucher Security Check
Salary/Reimbursements: The basic salary for Payroll Data processing / payment processing position part time is “$700” monthly which can be paid either monthly or bi-monthly along side reimbursement of all expenses incurred during the actual purchase of supplies.
Hours: This is a work-from-home job that will require an average of 9 hours weekly for processing of tasks and assignments. It definitely should not affect your current job if any, as it is flexible and rewarding.
Kindly forward your questions if any by replying to this email.
Chris Anderson
Executive Payroll Operations Officer.
aw1219 · March 22, 2022 at 1:52 pm
This is a classic example of a check-printing scam. This company called it a Payroll Clerk position but regardless of the title, it is in fact a scam.