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At one time or another, many of you have joined a survey panel to make money from home.  Why? Because it can be one of the easiest ways to make some extra cash by answering simple questions in your spare time.  Most surveys take around 15 minutes to complete, some panels are open to teenagers and those who live abroad (outside the US) and they do not require a whole lot of effort.

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Survey Savvy is one of those survey panels that has been around for over 10 years now and is a trusted, accredited business with the BBB – Better Business Bureau.  Survey savvy is more like a broad market research company that hosts its own surveys.  They also liaise with other multinational corporations in doing research projects for them.

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What is Savvy Connect?

This survey company has a mobile and computer application known as Savvy Connect.  This is an open software that is used to track every digital action that you are involved in while assuring higher cash and other benefits.  Companies that have registered with Survey Savvy will therefore have a chance to track the data digitally, and get to learn about the purchase behavior of consumers, such as the sites that consumers visit most, the rate at which they research before purchasing products, and so on can be traced with this application.

Getting this information is vital for companies as they plan their marketing techniques.

How does the app work? 

When someone downloads the savvy connect app, Survey Savvy bids surveys that pay higher and one will get more research projects.  If you wish to get longer survey projects that will be paid higher over other research projects, then download the app on your three devices;  which are your PC, your mobile phone as well as your tablet.  Survey Savvy also gives the person an opportunity to uninstall the app once the project is done, and will only reinstall it when another project rises up.

How can I make money with Savvy Connect?

There is a Survey Savvy project that is currently existing for all US residents. It is referred to as Project Gold.  This project is able to earn you $60 by just downloading the Savvy connect app on three devices, a Tablet, a mobile phone, and your computer.  You must be active on the three devices by using the internet, or utilizing them in shopping and other transactions and keep them installed in order to earn your cash.

How can I make more money with Survey Savvy and Savvy Connect?

In between the three months of using the app, you will be offered a lot more reimbursements from the regular surveys that will make you earn up to $5 for every survey.  Although they are not every day offers, provided you have downloaded the app and have signed up with the survey savvy, then you will earn a lot of cash and bonuses.

Survey Savvy also has a new referral program where you can earn even more cash.  Here is how it works.

  • You will earn $5 up to $15 for every person that you refer and successfully completes each Savvy Connect project.
  • In addition to that, you will also earn $2 up to $6 for anyone who signs up under your direct referrals which are called indirect referrals.
  • This referral cash bonus is in addition to the cash that you will earn from your Survey Savvy referrals.
  • You will also earn cash ($0.50 and up) for every person that you refer and completes Survey Savvy surveys.

Earnings example

If you were to refer 10 friends in a month to join Savvy Connect, on the low-end you will earn an extra $50 and if your friends refer 2 more people you will earn $4 on the low-end and $12 on the high-end.  Your total for the month will be = $54 on the low-end and $$162 on the high-end.  This amount does not include how much you will earn for participating in their online survey

In order to benefit from this referral program to make extra cash online, you will need to be a member of Survey Savvy and join their online panel.  The surveys pay at least $3 and up for about 20 minutes of your time.  Of course the longer the survey, the more you will earn.

How do I join Survey Savvy?

Please visit Survey Savvy’s official website here to join for free.  You must be at least 14 years of age with an active email address and Internet connection.

What if I live outside the US?

Survey Savvy is open to panel members worldwide so you can still join if you live outside the US.

For more paid surveys, please visit Workersonboard.  You can check out my details review of Survey Savvy along with payment proof below.

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