It seems that data entry work at home jobs are very hard to come by and are the most sought fields in the work at home job market. Why is that? For the most part, a lot of these companies do not require that you have any previous experience which means that you may stand a greater chance of landing a data entry job or a work at home job in general. It can be less intimidating as well because you may not have to undergo extensive testing, background checks resume to upload, and so forth.
With that being said, it is still quite a challenge to find legitimate data entry companies to apply to online but I have found a few companies that currently have an ongoing need for data entry keyers to work from home.
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Some things you may need:
Get a resume that will pass the ATS tracking system for better results
Type at the least 30 wpm up to 70 wpm
Type accurately with very few mistakes
A good keyboard that will help you to excel in your typing skills
An up-to-date web browsers like IE 8, Google Chrome, and other compatible web browsers
Tip: You do not necessarily have to be the fastest typist in order work from home data entry job. It is more important if you can type accurately because the speed will come later. Companies would rather select a candidate that can type accurately at a slower pace than a very fast typist with several mistakes.
Remember if a particular company is not hiring right now, you can always check back at a later date. If you have already applied to a company and have not heard anything from them in a few weeks or so, you could always contact them via email or through some other forms of correspondence to find out what your status is. Here are some companies that you can try below.
Sutherland Global Services – Click on the back office associate positions and you will see data entry come up.
Axion Data Services – may not have any jobs available at this time but you can always check periodically to see if their status has changed.
Please check the weekly job section and Friday Freebie page of Workersonboard for even more data entry job leads.