Looking for another way to earn some extra cash from home? I have a new opportunity for you. If you have gift cards lying around your home that you never used that you received from a friend or family member or co-worker, you can sell your gift cards and receive cash in less than 24 hours! If you prefer not to have the cash you can also sell them and get Amazon Gift Cards where you can purchase a variety of products online.
How Cardpool works?
Cardpool allows you to sell your gift cards online. It is a really simple process. You simply go to their official website and make sure that you have your gift card ready and include the merchant name and value of the gift card and sell your gift cards electronically.
You can also mail in your gift card or cards to Cardpool and they will even send you a FREE shipping label to make it convenient for you. After they receive your information entered online or gift card, your check will be sent out in less than 24 hours!
If you decide to choose the Amazon Gift Card option instead of receiving cash, you will also enter your merchant information or card value online or send in your gift card in the mail using your FREE shipping label and receive your Amazon Gift Card mailed out to you within 24 hours!
How Fast Will I get Paid?
Depending upon where you live, you should receive your check within 3-7 business days! Sell Your Gift Cards For Cash at Cardpool.com!
Can I buy a Gift card from Cardpool for someone else?
You can also buy gift cards here at a discount for that someone special. They offer free shipping on any and all gift cards that you purchase. You can receive up to 35% off when you buy gift cards at Cardpool.