I first discovered this job during my job search for the latest companies hiring remote workers that I posted on Workersonboard.com. The company has listed the position as a virtual assistant but the job involves you listening to recordings of inbound and outbound sales calls to select, score, and evaluate those calls based on specific guidelines that the company has set in place. The work is basically the same as Humanatic but the requirements and hours are different.
Humanatic Work at Home Job
No requirements
Bilingual and English calls
Work anytime for any amount of hours
Weekly pay (as long as you have $10 in your account)
Can work from your mobile device using their app
Pays per call (ranges from $.01 to $0.22 plus bonus for fast and accurate work)
Open to teens
This company requires you to have 2+ years of customer service, sales, or telemarketing experience, unlike Humanatic which does not require any experience. You will also need above-average computer skills, have English as your native language, and complete online tutorials before being approved. You will be paid weekly through UpWork (read my review about UpWork here) and the pay starts at $30 for one job that lasts 2-3 hours. The more experience you obtain by sorting these calls, the less time it will take and the more you will earn.
How is it similiar to Humanatic?
Just like Humanatic, it only takes a minute to register but there is an exam that you must complete in order to get certified before you can begin working for this company. The exam consists of watching 3 video tutorials and completing the exams and surveys that follow. This step should take no more than 15 to 20 minutes of your time.
The company also states that this is not the kind of work for those who simply desire to make some quick cash. Why? Because this is a long-term part-time work-at-home job paying you a steady income online. I would only recommend this job for those who are looking to supplement their income and not something that you can rely on for full-time pay.
Please watch this YouTube short for another work from home job like Humanatic below.
How to apply?
If you are still interested in applying and think you would be a good fit for this job, please visit their official website to register online here. There is another company that is similar to Humanatic that I wrote about on this blog a couple of years ago that you can read about here. You can find even more work-at-home jobs posted on the weekly job section and Friday freebie pages of Workersonboard.com. Happy work-at-home job hunting!
Debra Collier · September 1, 2016 at 10:43 pm
I began the sign-up process with All Star Showcase but did not complete it. I attempted to log in using the user name and password that I had already created, but received an error message from the sign-up page stating that the email that I entered was already in use, and to reset or change the password.
I would like to reset the password so that I can submit my information and move to the next step, but don’t see an option that allows me to do so. Please advise, as I am very interested in this company.
Thank you.
Darek. · September 12, 2016 at 11:17 am
I’ve got the same problem. I am sure that I never created an account there but there is a message that my email is in use when I try to register. Could be a site error or something.