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Have you ever entertained the thought of starting your own Mommy Blog?  Maybe you have but then you thought to yourself, I really don’t have time to invest in a blog.  Believe it or not, it may not take as much time as you may think.  Some people even work a full-time job and have a blog that they maintain in their spare time.
This post will give you some ideas of what you can blog about and how you can do this to earn extra or even a full-time income from home.
Let’s get to the basics.  First of all, what is a mommy blog?  It is basically online entries that journal or chronicle your home, family, and parenting ideas, thoughts, opinions, etc. in a series of posts that you update regularly online.  For some, it can be a hobby.  For others, it can prove to be a real business for them.
Whatever your goal is for your Mommy blog just know that you will not go at it alone.  There are hundreds of other Mommy bloggers that you can connect with, learn from, and inspire.  You can also help others that visit your site just by sharing photos, recipes, and any other hobbies that you may take on and even encourage them to do the same.
This is a great time to introduce some ideas to help you start your own Mommy blog.  If you are in need of some motivation or are short of some ideas to start your own blog, hopefully, this list will motivate you to do so.  For those wanting a mommy blog, please visit Bluehost here.
  1. Share stories.  You could start a Mommy blog and share stories about your child, and possibly mention some funny memories or experiences.
  2. Scrapbooking.  Your Mommy blog could be your virtual scrapbook and collection of photos of vacations you took, places you went to see, and so much more.
  3. Reading.  Share your favorite Mommy books.
  4. Potty Training.  Use your blog to talk about the challenges of potty training and any tips you can share.
  5. Clothes.  You can use your blog to sell old or outgrown clothes that your child or children have worn to earn some extra money.
  6. Recipes.  Share your favorite family recipes on your blog and the ones you make especially for your children or with your children.
  7. Schools.  Share your advice on the best schools, back-to-school tips, or any other helpful tips for other moms and dads.
  8. Recalls.  Use your blog to bring awareness to some of the latest recalled items so that other families will stay safe.
  9. Parenting Tips.  Share tips with other parents on how to get their children to eat vegetables, the best time to start brushing their teeth, how to tie their shoes, etc.
  10. Coupons.  Start a Mommy blog about how to save money on toys, clothes, etc. at some of the major department stores with online coupons, freebies, and other deals.
  11. Reviews.  Do reviews on the latest kid’s movies, destination vacations for families, local restaurants, and more.
  12. Slide Shows.  Post activities, photos, or videos of family outings, baby nurseries, and more on your blog.
  13. Design.  Use your blog to showcase your design talents.  Maybe you are good at transforming a room and redecorating it on a budget, or you love to accessorize your kid’s rooms with stuffed animals, wall art, lamps, etc.  You may also have a knack for DIY and you could use your mommy blog to show the before and after pictures online.
  14. Projects.  Share projects you make with your children for school or just for recreation.
  15. Making money.  Share how you make money online doing simple tasks, surveys, and other things online.
  16. Crafts.  Show other mommies how to crochet, knit, and sew online and make hats, baby gear, and other things.  You can also sell it on your blog also.
  17. Pregnancy.  Give advice to first-time moms on what they can expect while pregnant, items they will need to take along with them to the hospital, how to stay healthy when pregnant, and so much more.
  18. Games.  Make a blog of fun-filled video games that your kids would even love to visit and play.
  19. Family Night.  Share what activities you do for family night and include photos to give other moms fresh and new ideas.
  20. Mommy Time.  Share what you do to relax and unwind for a little me time.
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I am sure you can think of more ideas to start your own Mommy blog but these are just a few random ones to get your juices flowing, so to speak.  If you think this is something you might want to try, give it your all and you won’t regret it.  If you decide to use your Mommy blog to make money, you will be rewarded for all your hard work not to mention the fact that you will help so many people with your advice, knowledge, insight, and simply by sharing your story with others.

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1 Comment

Jenny Causby · October 5, 2013 at 11:36 am

Beginners with less knowledge can easy do these online home based jobs. It brings good income to our hands.

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