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You may have heard of Hubpages before if you have been on the Internet for some time. This is a place where new and established writers can earn money for their content online. But may wonder if you can really earn money every month writing for Hubpages? The answer is yes and I will tell you how to do it.

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  1. First – you need to sign up for a free account to publish content on Hubpages. This step will only take you minutes to complete. After you get your confirmation email, you can confirm your email address to begin creating content for this site.
  2. Second – you will need to decide what subject or subjects you would like to write on. You could write on a variety of topics or stick to one subject in particular but you will need to begin writing as soon as possible to get the most benefit from Hubpages.
  3. Third – try to write as many hubs or articles as you can and challenge yourself. They have a 30-day Hub challenge for writers to complete 30 hubs in 30 days to get them in the writing mode. This is good not only to help you get your creative juices flowing but you can also analyze your articles or hubs to see where they rank and how well they perform.
  4. Four – Use social media outlets to share your recently published hubs for more exposure. Share them on Twitter, Facebook, Stumble Upon, Digg, Pinterest, and other places.
  5. Five – Embed videos within your content. This will make it more interesting and could only add to the quality of your hubs.
  6. Six – Create quality content. Continue to write and publish original content. You could write an article on the latest hot topic to stir interest in your hubs or even on a controversial subject. It will generate a buzz around your hubs and draw even more readers.
  7. Seven – Make improvements and adjustments in your previously published hubs as well as the upcoming ones. Go back and tune up your titles, and add more content if the subject or topic discussed has new information that can be updated and shared. Add pictures to your hubs that describe the topic at hand.

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  • Try to stick with a topic or subject that you are passionate about. This will help you to come up with fresh content. You could also write a hub in the form of a question that you would like to answer.
  • It may take you about 3 months initially for you to actually receive payment from Hubpages but if you continue to write and make goals for yourself to publish content regularly, you will earn money every month.
  • Check your stats to see which articles are getting the most traffic, comments, and feedback, and try writing more articles on this subject. This will help you to increase your earnings so that you will receive a payment every month.

  • Do not publish copied content from the web. It is against their rules. You will also forfeit any money that you have earned if you do this.


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