I just recently posted a payment proof from Hubpages of earnings that I received in the month of April in the amount of $77.68 for previous hubs that I have written there. I will probably receive another payment from Hubpages next month and months thereafter. I haven’t written an article there in several months, so around $80 a month is not too bad for passive income.
So why have I decided to stop writing for Hubpages?
There are several reasons but mainly it is so that I will have more time to write for my blog here and on my official website. I used to write an article or (hub) and post a summary of it here and would redirect people to Hubpages. To me, it is more beneficial for me to post my content here rather than send you somewhere else.
Hubpages is actually where I got started writing online or shall I say started learning how to write articles online. It even gave me the confidence to start my own website and then I started my blog here a few months later. It is basically the same process. You select a title about a certain subject or topic that you would like to write about in the form of a post, including any photos, do some editing, and publish it online.
I will say that Hubpages is great for beginners like me because you can write on virtually any topic or subject and earn money in the process. It is the next best thing to having your own blog or website if you just want to post content and not have to worry about the upkeep or maintenance as you would with your own website.
You will even find success stories of a few hubbers who earn a few hundred dollars up to thousands of dollars per month for their hubs. Many of them have hundreds of hubs or articles published on Hubpages and are still actively writing and publishing content there. Not only can you earn money for your articles but you can also earn money for your videos, to ask questions, for writing content for their apprentice program, and so much more.
It is possible to earn money here but I don’t want to place limits on myself. Your earnings potential can be even greater with your own blog or website because Hubpages takes a percentage of your earnings, so you will never receive the full amount that you are entitled to. Why? Because they own the platform and can therefore have access to some of your earnings when you publish your content there. If you were to publish content on your own blog or site, no one could take or be entitled to those earnings. This is one of the drawbacks and realities of publishing content on someone else’s site.
The truth about writing for Hubpages
Had I still strictly written for Hubpages, I would have never fully reaped the benefits of my hard work, time, and research. It can be scary when you think about standing alone on your own because having your own blog or website can be compared to leaving a popular music group that you were in and then starting off as a solo artist. Hubpages is a community of talented, generous writers but a blog or website is a reflection of you and you alone.
Do I regret my decision?
Yes and no. Yes, in the sense that I didn’t start my website sooner but not in the sense that I learned a lot from my experience and gained a lot of knowledge and insight into how this whole process works of making money online for your content.
If you are thinking about writing for Hubpages, please do not be discouraged because this is just my personal opinion and a reflection of where I am in my life right now. There are some advantages as well as disadvantages to writing for Hubpages which I will break down below.
- You can write on any topic as long as it is original.
- You can earn money from Google Adsense, their Hubpages Ad program, eBay, and Amazon.
- Tutorials, videos, and help from other writers to assist you along the way.
- Your hubs will rank high in the search engines and be viewed by many.
- You can put a link back to your blog or website for even more traffic.
- You gain writing experience and exposure.
- You can work your own schedule and write as much as you want any time of the day or night.
- Monthly payment.
- Residual earnings for content that you wrote months and even years ago.
- Your account will not be closed even if you stop writing for a period of time.
- Great for beginners or those who are new a writing.
- Passive income.
- Gives you a platform to share your opinions, knowledge, ideas, and expertise.
- Need a Google Adsense account. So if you lost your account, you may not be able to write articles for Hubpages.
- May not be able to link your hubs to certain affiliate companies.
- Hubs may be unpublished if overly promotional.
- Limited control over your ads and ad placements.
- They take a percentage of your earnings.
- Earnings reports may be delayed during certain times of the month.
As you can see there are more pros than cons here but I did want to share my personal experiences earning money with Hubpages and why I decided to stop writing for them and focus more on writing for my blog and website.
Whatever you decide, just know that you can really earn money from this company but you may be able to earn much more with your own blog or website. You can start your own blog or website with Bluehost today here. It will definitely be worth your time and investment.
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