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Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer offering various products that you can purchase with the click of a mouse.  You have probably even seen some of their commercials being advertised on the television where you live.  Amazon even hires people to work from home in customer service on a seasonal and permanent basis.  Not only can you work for this company on a full or part-time basis but you can also get free stuff and earn more money there.

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This post will explain how anyone can do this.

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How can I get free stuff on Amazon?

If you have ever written a product review on Amazon, you may get invited to post your opinions on their Amazon Vine platform.  Amazon will invite their customers who have purchased products on Amazon to become what is called a Vine Voice which is based on your reviewer rank.  Although you will not receive payment or compensation for your honest reviews, you will get free stuff in the form of pre-release products and items that publishers, labels, studios, manufacturers, or vendors will send you prior to their launch date. All that is required from you is to review those products or items within 30 days.  This is by invitation only but if you have recently purchased an item(s) from Amazon or plan to, make sure you write an honest review because you could be invited to be a Vine Voice and get free stuff!

You can also use Rebaid.  This site will help you to get free and deeply discounted items for sale on Amazon from sellers who are new to the platform.  You are not required to write a review.  They just want you to try their products.  Join Rebaid here.

Is there another way I can get free stuff on Amazon?

Yes.  By selling your used books to Amazon.  Once your book or books that you plan to sell have been received, verified, and accepted, you will see the amount that you were offered for those reflected in your gift card balance.  In order to sell your books to Amazon, they must be in good condition and the ISBN number has to match what is listed on Amazon’s official website.  Just be aware that this process can take up to 10 business days for Amazon to process your books, but afterward, you can use your gift card to spend however you like.

In what ways can I earn money from Amazon?

There are several ways for you to earn money from Amazon.  One of the easiest ways is to sell your used items to them.  What kind of items can you sell there?  Here are a few listed below.

  • Amazon Kindle
  • Baby Products (not apparel)
  • Computers
  • Camera
  • Electronics
  • Musical Instruments
  • Office Products
  • Toys & Games
  • DVD’s
  • Unlocked Cell phones
  • Games Consoles

These are just a few of the many items that you can sell on Amazon.  It will only cost you $0.99 per sale plus other selling fees.  You also have the option of being able to send the products that you plan to sell to Amazon directly and let them handle the shipping or ship them out to the customer yourself.  After your item sells, your money will be directly deposited into your bank account.

With your own Amazon Webstore

If you have products that you would like to sell online, you can try selling them on your very own Amazon webstore.  You can also sell various Amazon products on your webstore as well.

Self-Publish on Amazon

Sell and publish your own books or ebooks on Amazon using Createspace.  This is an Amazon company that provides a free service to aspiring authors, musicians, and filmmakers.  They have all the tools that you need to sell your own products whether they be books, films, or music on Amazon and other worldwide channels for free.  It is easy to use and very professional.

Are there other ways to earn money on Amazon?

Yes.  Feel free to read my post on the article page of my official website entitled, “8 Ways to Earn Money at Home from Amazon“, for additional resources.

Why should you use Amazon?

If you consider the facts that I mentioned about Amazon in the introduction of this article, you will understand why many people use Amazon to earn money from home.  This popular site is able to reach millions and you will have a greater chance of exposing your products to others and getting a sale.  Whether you decide to sell your books, baby stuff, toys, DVDs, start your own website, or even publish your own music and films and earn lifetime royalties, you can earn money from home on Amazon.

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