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This is proof of payment that I received from ibotta.  Ibotta is a free app that you can download to your iPhone or any android device, including tablets,  phones, etc., and earn cashback for your purchases at the store.  Here is a short breakdown of what you need to get started with ibotta.  
  1. You will need an iPhone or android device
  2. Paypal account (to get your money)
  3. Your receipt
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 Simply download the free ibotta app and get cashback for the items and products you purchase.  This video will show you exactly how to do this.  You can watch it below, if you like.  You can also check out the proof of payment for ibotta.  It is a very easy way to earn extra cash.  Sign up for ibotta here to get cashback on your purchases!

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Amount: $22.00 USD
Transaction Date: January 22, 2013
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