Do you have articles that you have previously written just sitting around collecting dust or stored on your computer? If so, you have money. That valuable content that you are not using can be sold and placed on article marketing sites and elsewhere for extra money. If you have written content on places like Bubblews, and have never gotten paid for your hard work and are wondering what you can do with your content, I have a few sites that you can try today.
Do not let some of these non-paying sites discourage you because there are some companies that will pay you and even allow you to set your own prices for your articles. Just make sure that your content is original and has very few grammatical errors and typos so that you can attract more customers to sell your content at a higher rate. Here are a few companies that I found listed below.
- Digital Point – Not your typical article marketplace submission site but it can prove to be a very effective place to sell your articles. This is a great forum community to sell your previously written articles online to a lot of potential buyers.
- Warrior Forum – This forum community has a warrior forum for hire section that you can use to sell and advertise your articles and services for cash. Your content will get a lot of exposure because they have over 600,00 members on this forum community alone. You can also offer to do copywriting, web design, and so much more here.
- Constant Content – This is a great marketplace to sell your previously written articles online to potential buyers. Some articles have sold for $30 and up! I believe Constant Content takes a 35% commission fee but it is a great way to get your content viewed and sold online.
- Article Sale – Sign up for a free account and post your articles on their platform and they will deliver them to the buyer after receiving payment. You will need a Paypal account and the articles must be written in English.
- Createspace – If you have a collection of articles on the same subject or topic, you can self-publish them into your very own book and sell them on Createspace, Amazon, and other worldwide channels for 70% lifetime royalty earnings. It is very professional, easy, and free to use. This is one of the best options because you will earn money over and over again for your content.
- Fiverr – Sell your articles on Fiverr for $5 by offering to send someone a list of easy recipes or any topic or subject that you have written about.
- Own Blog or Website – You could sell your articles on your very own blog or website for extra money in a few simple steps. Get a free blog from a blogger or use WordPress and host it on GoDaddy for a few dollars to use as a platform to sell your own content. Make sure that you have an about me page and a page that has a list of titles for the articles you would like to sell. You could even contain partial snippets of your content to entice your readers. You could also try creating content and posting it on your own blog for free. If your readers like your writing style, they may decide to buy some articles from you.
These are just a few suggestions on what you can do with your previously written content to earn some extra money. I have tried a few of these on the list myself and they really do work. I know they will for you also.