In order to get a full scope and insider’s view of Lionbridge, you will need to hear from someone who has actually worked from home for this company. This post was written by one of my subscribers who gave a very detailed and honest review about Lionbridge so that you can know the real truth about their application process, hours, job responsibilities and other important details to be fully informed before you apply to this company online.
Who is Lionbridge?
Lionbridge is a crowdsourcing company based in Boston, Massachusetts. They hire people from all over the world as long as you meet their criteria and pass the qualification tests.
What kind of positions does Lionbridge offer?
There are all sorts of job opportunities at Lionbridge. You can be a web content judge (assessor), a language translator for websites, or a social media assessor. The opportunities are endless.
How much does Lionbridge really pay?
Lionbridge pays far more decent compared to other work-at-home jobs. If you work from home as a web content judge you will earn $12 per hour. Unfortunately, Lionbridge limits the number of hours you can work per week to 20. While you can scratch a living off of working for Lionbridge, it would be good if you are able to work a 40-hour week. International workers are paid quite less than their US counterparts (around $5-$6/hr) for the same work, I asked my friend from Costa Ivone workers comp lawyers why and it is because they are not required to file taxes like US workers who are required by law to fill out a tax application on their earnings.
How to get 40 hours a week working for Lionbridge?
Although you can work on x amount of hours per week, you can do multiple jobs for Lionbridge in addition to judging web content. You can apply for another job such as a social media assessor and add an extra 20 hours of work which will total 40 hours a week.
The application process for Lionbridge?
The application process for Lionbridge is the same as any other job. They want as much information about you as possible including your education and job history. The job I applied for required a college degree so they wanted a photograph (not a scan) of my degree. But there are jobs that do not require a degree. It will take you about an hour to fill out an application on their site. Remember there are all different types of jobs that you can do at Lionbridge so be sure to choose the right one and adjust your resume accordingly. Your resume can follow the format of a simple CV resume.
How long does it take to hear back from Lionbridge after you have applied?
The only thing I did not like about getting a job at Lionbridge was that they will take a lot of time to get back to you. So you must be patient. In my case, after sending a few emails asking about my status it still took almost 70 days for me to get a reply back from them after submitting my application and resume. I was sending emails every 10 days. Once they do get back in touch with you things happen very fast so be prepared.
Is there a conflict of interest working for similar companies like Leapforce or Appen?
Lionbridge wants to make sure that you do not work for any jobs that conflict with their endeavors like Leapforce or Virtualbee.
What it’s really like to work from home for Lionbridge
Once Lionbridge has contacted you via email, they will send you passwords and usernames to set up a Lionbridge account. They will also send you reading material to prepare you for your upcoming entrance examination. This happened in a span of five business days for me. For my job as a web content judge (assessor), the material I had to go through and the study was a pdf file of 120 pages. While this may seem like a lot, much of the material was common sense but it would be wise to go through everything because they give a lot of examples that will be on the exam you will take.
There are also learning modules where you can practice what you have studied before taking the exam. I myself spent a total of 8-9 hours studying for the Lionbridge exam. The exam I took was rather subjective and many people have had similar complaints. In other words, there can be more than one way to look at a question and obtain an answer. Nothing is black and white like for example, “What is 2 + 2?”
The job I applied for as a web content assessor was to judge websites in importance when people used keywords in a search engine. For example, if someone typed in “nearby Starbucks” in Google, my job was to assess which web pages are the most helpful to them when they type in those keywords based on geographic location and even which Starbucks location offers what! Now if you go and type in “nearby Starbucks” in Google you will get a huge amount of results and a great many of them are valid websites to help you find a nearby Starbucks. But as a web content judge, I had to pick the one website that was the best and most helpful to the search engine users and rest assured you will be given the same type of questions in the exam. This is why a lot of people complain about the exam having a lot of answers in the gray area.
My advice would be to memorize their guidelines in the study log and learning modules and just adhere to them as much as you are able.
The exam is no picnic for sure and a great many applicants fail. You do have the opportunity to take the exam again, however. But the exam itself is almost 5 hours long and again you do not get paid for this time investment. Once you pass the exam you will be responsible for making sure you do not work more than 20 hours and keeping a log of all your work. All of your work will be recorded with a special tool Lionbridge has designed to make sure workers are not messing around.
Lionbridge pays you once a month direct deposit to a bank account in your name and respective country. The deposit to my bank account after a month of work was always prompt and I never had any complaints.
In all honesty, I don’t think that I could do more than 20 hours as a web content assessor as the job is quite tedious and requires a lot of concentration. However, there are plenty of other jobs that you can do that is much easier (although the pay may not be as high). In my case the web content assessor job did not sound appealing to me, it was one of the jobs in high demand at the time and I was most likely to hear back from them.
The biggest two negatives about Lionbridge are their response time after you submit an application and probably the exam itself. They make you wait an obscene amount of time and then expect you to be prepared for the exam in a span of 4-5 days to start working.
The test should have more questions that are black and white not just on whether or not you read the reading materials and did the learning modules. Some of the questions were perplexing even though they were multiple choice. There would be 2 sometimes 3 answers that would be a good fit for that question.
Lionbridge Test and Application Tips
- Read the material and employ their strict guidelines for each question and you will pass.
- Even if another answer makes more sense logically do not use that as a means to answer questions.
- Employ the guidelines given to you in the study material and learning modules.
- Be patient through the application process.
- Email and then do the tasks they give to you in the submitted time frame.
- You can take the test several times so don’t be discouraged if you don’t pass the first time.
Why do I recommend Lionbridge?
The job is pretty straightforward, once you have gotten through the application and exam. Whether you are in the US or the Philippines, the salary is respectable and you can always apply for another job to do another 20 hours of social media assessing (for example) and get paid for a full 40-hour workweek. They will require you to have certain basic programs on your computers like Adobe, the latest Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, and some other programs that can easily be downloaded online or through their links so there is no investment on your end except time.
In my opinion, the grueling application process and time expenditure studying are worth it in the long run because there are always at least 20 hours of work to be done every week and it is a quality salary based on what country you live in. Also, there are opportunities to rise. While I was working as a web content assessor, I was sent emails about other job opportunities with Lionbridge for higher pay. I did not take advantage of the opportunity at the time (required more exams and studying) but Lionbridge is a company that gives you the opportunity to rise if you work diligently.
Have you or do you currently work for Lionbridge and would like to share your opinions below? Please also note that Lionbridge is one of the few companies that is always hiring people to work from home. For the latest work-at-home job leads please visit
Marcia Miller · August 19, 2015 at 10:10 am
I was invited to take that test. You are so right! It is not a piece of cake. It is an open resource/ book exam but in looking up the answers…even the answers found are not plain enough to truly know if you have the right one or not. It took me about 10 hours to do the testing as I couldn’t stand it after about 3 hours and had to walk away. I failed the test. They don’t even bother telling you what questions you got wrong but they do ask you to try it again, which I totally refused! I already work a job outside the home where its chaos, hard to understand and extremely complex so I don’t need any of Lion Bridge’s garbage. If it’s that hard to get in…makes me wonder if it would be worth even being an employee. Doubt I’d like it.
Salka · September 7, 2017 at 2:21 am
but the problem is bigger than you can imagine. they fail people in the United States so they can outsource the work to India and Pakistan.
Wausau Consumer · December 8, 2017 at 8:49 pm
Not only are the test unpaid for they are wrong. I had taken the test and had multiple answers that were correct according to their 42 page criteria. I wrote back with the question, my answer and the excerpt from their document and had 3 of them corrected. I retook the test and again there were over 5 answers that were correct according to their criteria and yet they were marked wrong. When I wrote back a second time I never received a response.
Evidently they have a high standard for employees…but not their tests and/or they managers.
JohnDOH341234 · May 3, 2018 at 3:40 pm
I was hired about this time last year and am still working. they showed me all the ones I answered incorrectly and it wasn’t that difficult if you follow the guidelines.
Nichole · December 6, 2015 at 4:22 pm
I worked for them for 3 years. I quit because with my FT job i didn’t want to work another 20 hours and i was burnt out from it. Oh and the taxes started getting bad. Once i got a really good FT job my tax bracket changed and with LB not taking any taxes out, i was being charged for SSN and etc. I was owing money atthe end of the year.
They tell you study 10 hours BEFORE You take the exam. I took it and past it my 1st try because i studied for 10hrs before. I printed off the document and highlighted important ideas. Then during the test i used the Adobe search feature to quickly locate keywords for questions i was unsure about. Was made a senior rater within 6 months of employment and was making $19/hr.
The job is legit. Never cost me anything. Pay was always on time. The only complaint i have is there were tons of slow periods where no tasks were available. No talks equal no work. So you’ll definitely need a 2nd job. But you can on a normal month easily make 1000 – 2000 a month.
Travis Anderson · April 19, 2016 at 10:00 pm
Hi Nicole, I have been trying to figure out why the information found in the study guide is not correlating on the test. If possible would you help me with the adobe search feature you used to quickly locate keywords for the questions? Where can I find that feature, and how well did it support you during the test
Nichole · June 16, 2016 at 2:56 am
Sorry this is late. If you look at the document it’s an Adobe PDF. there is a magnifying class. If you click it you can search.
Is there’s a question like which star bucks near me and they give you results. I’d first search for Starbucks to see if that example is in the document. If not, I’d search for locale or map to see if I can find query examples where the query is a store in a particular city.
That said, the requirements are harder now. It used to be we were given lead way. For example, a result could be USEFUL or RELEVANT. With the addition of the tickers in between each rating it’s gotten stricter.
Natalie · April 9, 2016 at 6:11 am
I am in the process of taking the exam now. It is very long and tedious but they just introduced a bonus for those who past the test. At least you will get compensated for large amount of studying you have to do (if you pass).
kate andrews · April 18, 2016 at 10:23 pm
The job requires a gmail account and the example tasks make it look like Lionbridge has access to your email account and can assign tasks based on content in your gmail account. Is this true?
Camille · May 20, 2016 at 2:03 pm
Yes it is but you can opt of those types of tasks if you don’t feel comfortable with it.
Rita · July 27, 2016 at 12:57 am
hello Camille, I’m curious about what will happen if I opt out that email account access? Can it impact our qualification?
Tori · May 3, 2016 at 5:22 pm
I am also getting ready to take this exam. My question is, does this job run you into any viruses or things can harm your computer? Other than that, it seems like the test make take some time, but may be worth it once you get going.
Camille · May 20, 2016 at 2:07 pm
Yes that is one of things that you would be rating, the quality of a website. Once you know the material you learn to spot those types of sites really quickly. In the year I have been doing this I have come across only 2 websites that could have caused me damage but as long as you have a good antivirus and use an online tool they recommend (web of trust) you shouldn’t have any problems. Most of the tasks are through your mobile phone though so there is even less risk of getting a virus.
Kate · May 6, 2016 at 4:45 am
Lionbridge does, indeed, access your personal email content and use the content to assign tasks.
Alice · August 19, 2016 at 4:29 pm
So you have to give them your email password and they can read any emails they want. Is this right? I’m not comfortable with that.
Kate · August 28, 2016 at 4:14 am
I’m not comfortable with it, either; I passed on Lionbridge. I don’t rememer what method they use to access your email; I don’t think you give your password, though- I seem to recall there being required software ya download if you wanna work for them and the software package gives them access to your email and internet activity.
Alice · August 30, 2016 at 3:13 pm
Thanks Kate. I filled out the forms for Lionbridge and have not heard back from them. Probably a good thing. Do not want someone having access to my emails, business or personal. Appreciate the feedback.
Bernice · September 1, 2016 at 4:40 am
OMG create a new gmail account that you only use for work with them. Duh. And they dont have direct access to your email first of all nor do you give them your password. They offer you the choice of enabling tasks that you might be more interested in subject matter wise and they get the cookies off your email/browser to assign tasks that may interest you. And if you read it thoroughly you would of also read that you don’t have to opt into those types of tasks either. Stop trying to scare people by making it seem like its required to give them full access and control over your email because that is not at all true
Tunisha · September 8, 2016 at 10:52 pm
lol, simmer down with the “OMG…Duh” comments, please. It’s rude behavior.
If this job works for you, good for you.
If others aren’t interested, good for you- less competition.
I worked for them and, personally, found it to be dull; however, if one has few options, it’s at least something.
Luli227 · August 5, 2016 at 5:00 am
I applied and just recieved my email packet with a questionairre and everything to do to get access to the test. However, the company says they are in Ireland. Anyone else working with what I can only assume is a branch? anyway, i am wondering about pay since it is an international wire.
Leah · August 15, 2016 at 10:04 pm
I just started as a web assessor and the only challenge I have is the task availability. I really want to meet the 10hrs per week but I have a full time work so I only have certain hours of the day where I can do the assessor’s job. unfortunately, more often than not, there’s no available task waiting for me. Any tips?
Luli227 · August 31, 2016 at 6:38 pm
Just an FYI, because I couldn’t do international wire transfers with my bank, I didn’t take the lionbridge job. However, I just qualified to be a social media evaluator with appen if anyone is interested in checking them out.
Chanel.D · September 21, 2016 at 3:38 pm
The Lionbridge site is not showing any positions when I click Job opportunities. I assume they don’t have any open positions at the moment. Anyone apply for this job a different way?
Juan · October 3, 2016 at 5:34 pm
I found the job via craigslist (Orlando, FL) under the title “Spanish Personalized Internet Assessor – United States”.
Samarpita Sahani · September 24, 2016 at 9:01 am
I just passed Lionbridge English Reading Comprehension evaluation with 100%. What should be the next step? Will I get more evaluations?
Nisha · December 6, 2016 at 11:17 am
Hello Samarpita,
How long did it take for you to get access to the Lionbridge test? I was supposed to get access yesterday but have not yet received it. Also are you based in India?
Julia · January 26, 2017 at 7:34 pm
I was set up for the exam then I got an email from them stating that:
Unfortunately we were unable to enter you into our Online Exam.
According to our checks it appears that you have the same IP Address as another
person in our system.
Can you please explain why this has occurred?
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Your Lionbridge Recruiting Team
I replied:
To whom it may concern,
I am not sure why this has occurred my only explanation is that I was trying to study the exam material via my smartphone you have on file. I was having my husband bring me my laptop in a few hours so I can obtain the materials and study. I really hope that this could be reconsidered. I am the only person that touches my phone and my laptop.
Thank you so much for the consideration,
-I have not heard back from them and it’s so unfortunate!
KrankyKass · February 16, 2017 at 6:50 pm
I just passed the 3-part exam to be an internet web page rater. A few updates from this article: the wage offered is now $13.50 per hour, and I was told repeatedly in e-mails and during the exam, that I could NOT re-take it if I didn’t pass. It was a one-shot opportunity. Oh, and the guidelines are now 147 pages. I completely agree with the long wait between application time and first notification. It was about 3 weeks for me. I got an e-mail telling me that I was eligible to take the exam, and would have exactly 7 days to complete it, once the “exam window” opened. I was given a 3-4 day notice of that time frame, but the exam study materials were not available to me until the beginning of that 7-day period. I am an awful procrastinator, so I didn’t start reviewing until about 24 hours before the deadline. I do not recommend that approach. I did pass, but I could have done a lot better if I’d given myself more time. I also agree on the subjective nature of the exam questions. I used the comment section to explain several of my answers. Not sure if it helped or not. I hope they are able to give me 20 hours of work per week I definitely have the availability.
Lisa M. · February 20, 2017 at 2:48 pm
I did not download the guidelines(like they told you to).I took the exam and I marginally failed.I have been invited to take test again.I was wondering if anyone had the guild lines and would be willing to share?Thanks so much
shabbir · May 17, 2017 at 3:03 pm
i want that too
Christine · June 4, 2017 at 5:23 pm
Curious as to how you like it so far? I just applied last Sunday and got a response the following Saturday with the email staying all the info and also asking me to sign the terms and conditions. Have you run into there not being tasks available frequently? Any insight would be great! Also, how do they pay? It said in the email it was every other Friday, but is it check, direct deposit, paypal? Thanks!
Jessica · August 3, 2017 at 3:21 am
Hi Christine – did you have to take the test? Did you pass? Have you started yet? I just applied today.
Manouche · August 2, 2017 at 6:13 am
KrankyKass says: “I used the comment section to explain several of my answers.”
Does that mean that they evaluate quality over quantity? Is there a hit rate per hour that you have to reach? I am hopefully taking the exam in a couple of days and worried because I do take a lot of time to answer, double/triple checking before submitting my answer…
Bee · August 12, 2018 at 10:18 am
Please help. I have taken the exam now for over 6 days ago and am yet to receive an email of been successful or otherwise. I am quite worried
Jeff · February 19, 2017 at 4:24 pm
What happens if you go over 20 hours for a week?
Name · May 8, 2017 at 8:18 pm
Does anybody know more about the online map analyst role? I wonder what will be the exam like…
Ndanganeni Patrick Siphuma · June 14, 2017 at 10:08 pm
I also love to know because i’m waiting for exam date
diveintohappinessblog · June 21, 2017 at 1:43 pm
hey guys, i am in process as well.. doing the test now.
erica · June 28, 2017 at 5:09 pm
Does anyone else know how much they pay per task in this role?
Unknown · August 5, 2017 at 2:49 am
It’s very very very very very very…. low. I was not expecting such a low amount. The rate is almost similar to the small tasks on virtual bee. I don’t know if it’s going to increase later or not. While applying it has been mentioned that pay will be competitve. But I didn’t found it competitive at all. Really disappointed. 🙁
Rex F Ryan · October 23, 2017 at 9:58 am
How much exactly and which country are you in?
someone · May 9, 2018 at 4:41 am
totally agree. You are given no indication of the pay per task until you actually get the job. So after spending hours studying for the exam and finally getting accepted you find out you are being paid 0.56 USD per task with each task supposedly taking “an average” or 3 minutes. In reality each task takes significantly longer than that to deliver the level of quality they require. Don’t recommend bothering with this at all unless you have no other sources of income
stephanie mason · May 11, 2017 at 5:49 pm
I tried to work for this company and it is a terrible hiring process. The hours you have to spend to learn their query process is ridiculous!! First of all it doesn’t make any sense. They want you to assume what the intent of the person is who is searching is looking for.
mohib · May 29, 2017 at 2:31 pm
How will they know if I have ever applied for Appen or Leapforce??
I have applied at Appen, Leapforce and Clickworker. But As I heared from Lionbridge, I have withdrawn my profile from Appen and leapforce. Will they ever find it out and will I get terminated for conflict of interest?
Lesley · May 31, 2017 at 11:23 am
Applied for this post and spent hours trawling over the 45 page guidelines, passed the tests and took the first exam which I marginally failed (their words) decided to retake the exam and I counted the ones I got correct this time and knew I did better but apparently was not successful go figure. The whole rating system is incredibly subjective, one of the first exam questions I answered incorrectly I disagreed with as their correct interpretation did not follow their own guidelines, on the second exam this same question scenario came up again so I answered it to their specification and it was still wrong lol so I was pretty miffed at the time I wasted on their whole process.
Ndanganeni Patrick Siphuma · June 14, 2017 at 10:12 pm
What are the other online legitimate jobs available?
Kmlinkk · July 5, 2017 at 6:33 pm
During my application process, I got a mail from LB telling me that that they discussed I have the same IP address as some people and hence I csnt be enrolled for the online exam.
Can some explain to me what really happened?
inadisguise · July 26, 2017 at 11:44 pm
Could be your ISP, unless you used your smartphone in a coffee shop or something? My router once caused google to send me a panicking email which suggested my friend was hacking into my computer from the next room, just because he happened to be using a mac whilst I was on PC
KReed · August 23, 2017 at 10:36 pm
I just started and its super east to take 30 minutes here or there to start rating. My question is how do I log hours? I have the LBTimer, but cant find out if I report ATS or my actual time.
Alex · December 20, 2017 at 2:13 am
Does anyone know how to create another email that could be used for this job? I have had hotmail for years and since then it’s become merged with outlook, msn, live- all of the emails they accept to use. Once I try to create any of them, they all open my hotmail acct. I don’t want my private email to be exposed to the company. I think in order to create a new, separate acct, I could create an alias account, but that still uses the existing address pool from my hotmail., which makes me think it would not be completely private.
From what I can tell from MSN directions, in order to create a completely new acct, I would have to close the existing one, which I obviously don’t want. Has anyone had a similar situation?
How have you gotten around it? Am I paranoid about the privacy of my acct?
Claire Thomas · February 18, 2018 at 12:21 am
I applied and am concerned about giving my bank info to a company I cannot see. My other contract jobs pay with Paypal Is this possible with Lionbridge?
Regina Edmunds · February 18, 2018 at 6:56 pm
I have applied to Lionbridge before and same thing… No response and didn’t bother to reach out because I assumed they were not interested in hiring me. Looking to apply again, although I do not have access to a laptop at the moment.. If I applied again and was hired, I would be working only from a smartphone and tablet. Could anyone tell me if using your laptop/desktop is absolutely necessary, and, if so, how often do you use it for a job with this company? Thanks in advance 🙂
Jerry Thomas · April 12, 2018 at 3:10 am
You may have already got an answer, but there are jobs available where you can use your smartphone to rate ads on facebook. The pay’s not bad, but the max you can work on it is seven hours a week, no more than one hour per day, and you have to work at least five hours per week.
Poohbear · March 19, 2018 at 6:45 pm
Kinda skeptical about giving my bank account info…how did this work for you who are employed with them? Were you ok with this?
Jerry Thomas · April 12, 2018 at 3:11 am
They are legit, and you will have to fill out tax forms as well.
Sondi Mahoney · April 12, 2018 at 3:39 pm
It’s fine. The’re a legit company, as you can easily see by an online search. I get paid via direct deposit into my checking account every 2 weeks. I’m paid W-2 wages and they do the withholding for taxes and even a 401K (no match). I got a W-4 for my taxes.
mevina · November 29, 2018 at 2:16 am
Wonderful Sondi, do you work remotely?
Stace · April 9, 2018 at 3:09 pm
I applied this morning and recieved an email about an hour ago to accept their conulting agreements. I was quite wary at first but after reading up about them this afternoon I’m going to give it ago. Although the exam is worrying me a little lol
Bee · August 12, 2018 at 10:24 am
I completed the Lionbridge exams over 6 days ago and I am yet to get a result. It was indicated that a result will be available 24 hours after the exam due day but it over 6 days already. I am worried. Any help
Polly Etymology · November 9, 2018 at 10:45 pm
Is it possible they took so long with you because of your less than stellar grammar skills?