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Wouldn’t it be great if you could get paid to go and have a little fun?  Now that the weather is cooperating, it is the perfect time to take some family outings.  Many of you are probably planning to get away for the weekend and visit your favorite amusements, the zoo, museums, go out to eat and possibly do some shopping also.  You can do all of this and much more by being a mystery shopper.  I have chosen my top 3 Mystery Shopping Companies that are always looking for shoppers and consumers to visit various retailers and establishments for extra income.

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Mystery Shopper Perks

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What is great about being a mystery shopper is that you will get reimbursed for every mystery shopping assignment that you select and complete.  It doesn’t even seem like work at all because you get to enjoy your downtime and visit various businesses or even go and see your favorite actor at the movies.  What could be easier than that?  Now that I have got your attention, let me pass along some tips that you will need to remember when you endeavor one of your mystery shopping assignments.

Mystery Shopping Tips to Remember


  • Always remain anonymous.  Never let any employees, staff, or others know that you are a mystery shopper.  Remaining anonymous will help you to evaluate the business accurately by posing as a legitimate customer.  If the company knew that you were a mystery shopper they could present themselves differently and therefore your report or evaluation of the company may not have the same results.
  • Take good notes.  The best way to take good notes is to be very observant and to give a lot of details.  Whether they be good or bad.
  • Read your instructions.  Make sure that you read all of your instructions about each mystery shopping assignment before your visit so that you will know exactly what you should look for to ensure that your report will be accepted.
  • Take photos.  Make sure that you have a camera that takes good photos while you are engaging in your mystery shop.  Some shops allow you to use your smartphone, tablet, and other electronic devices to take photos.
  • Don’t accept too many assignments in one day.  This is also important because you will need to use your memory to record the events that happened in each shop.  If you complete too many in one day, your recollection of the shop could overlap with another mystery shopping assignment that you completed the same day.  I would recommend no more than 2 mystery shopping assignments in one day.
  • Fill out your report promptly.  As soon as you complete your mystery shopping assignment, take the time to complete your report.  This way you will be able to have a good report because everything will be fresh in your mind and you will be less likely to leave anything out.
  • Try not to cancel a shop.  Before you accept any mystery shopping assignment, make sure that you will be able to participate in and complete the shop.  If you have the habit of canceling too many shops, the mystery shopping company may decide to deactivate your account and you don’t want that to happen.  Only accept those mystery shops that you have time for and will be able to work on so choose wisely.
  • Never pay money to a mystery shopping company.  If ANY mystery shopping company asks you for any money at any time, it is a SCAM.  Do not sign up!  The mystery shopping company pays you not the other way around.  If a mystery shopping company states that they will send you a check in the mail before you ever complete a shop and asks you to deposit the money into your bank account, you will be completely responsible for the funds when the check bounces.
  • Just side income or extra income.  Please keep in mind that your job as a mystery shopper will most likely not lead to full-time income.  It is a means to earn extra income in your spare time.  Having said that, it is possible for you to earn $200 a month or more depending upon what mystery shops you select, the nature of those shops, and the number of shops you complete but realistically full-time income is not expected or even guaranteed.
  • Have fun!  Enjoy yourself while you are engaging in a mystery shop.  Although you want to take your shop(s) seriously and give a good report there is no reason why you can’t have fun.  In fact, the more you enjoy your shops, the more likely you will continue to be a mystery shopper in your spare time.  Just make sure to follow steps 1-9 and have the number 10 as your main goal!


Here are my top 3 Mystery Shopping Companies that Pay you Cash

1.  Market Force – They have a variety of shops for you to choose from including theater checks where you will watch a new movie release including the trailers, theater evaluations, audits, and other mystery shopping assignments.  They always seem to have available mystery shopping assignments from Market Force.

2.  Amusement Advantage – This is another mystery shopping company that will pay you when you visit various amusements including but not limited to:  zoos, amusement parks, museums, roller skating, bowling, family fun centers, water parks, and other attractions!  They have shops available in the US and Canada.  You can even select shops that you would like to complete when you are traveling out of town for this company.

3.  Best Mark – This mystery shopping company has automobile mystery shops where you can actually get paid to go and get an oil change and other minor maintenance of your vehicle.  You can also complete some mystery shops from home calling businesses and asking a few simple questions about new or used vehicles as a telephone mystery shopper.  Best Mark has been in business for over 26 years and has all types of assignments (auditing, mystery shopping, exit interviews) across many industries, ranging from retail to automotive to restaurants and more!

If you would like more information about mystery shopping in general or need a list of legitimate mystery shopping companies, please go to on the Mystery Shopping page here.  You can also find more mystery shopping jobs that you can complete from your smartphone.  To find out more click here.

Video About how Mystery Shopping Works

1 Comment

Wade E Gunter · January 30, 2017 at 9:26 pm

I’d highly recommend BestMark. I started last week and made $80 in 4 hours. All I had to do was go to 4 car dealerships and talk to a sales rep about buying a new car. It’s a VERY FAST AND EASY way to get some extra money.

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