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10 Benefits of Work at Home Facebook Groups
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If you have access to a computer or smartphone, no doubt you have probably visited a social media platform at one time or another. You may even have a Facebook account to keep in touch with your friends, family, and acquaintances, and find new ones. If you are using Facebook and want to work from home, you will definitely want to consider joining a work at home Facebook group.

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There are a lot of advantages to joining a Facebook group which is completely different from a Facebook page. A Facebook page is basically a way to extend your presence online with an official page where customers and visitors can like your page, you can share updates and even message back and forth with your visitors if they have questions. A Facebook group has a totally different approach because it provides a way for you to connect on an intimate basis with your followers and access their needs. But how can joining a Facebook group benefit you? Let’s consider at least 10 reasons.

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  1. Support – When you desire to work remotely, having support in an online community cannot be underestimated. It is so important to have people congratulate your success and encourage you when you feel down. Outside of family and friends, a Facebook group centered around your goals will inspire, motivate, and give you the determination to achieve them.
  2. Insider’s details – Work at home companies can sometimes be very discreet and provide very little information about your pay, interview and hiring process, and so forth. When you are a member of a Work at Home Facebook group it entitles you to information that you may not have access to an employer. This gives you the upper hand so that you can make informed decisions about whether you want to apply to a particular company or not. You will also find out valuable information about required testing for the job, or assessments and tips that can help you increase your chances of getting a work at home job.
  3. Ask Questions – You may have basic questions about what you need to work from home for a certain company or when they will be hiring for example. You can get satisfying answers to all your questions on a Work at Home Facebook group. The members have experience working from home and can lead you in the right direction.
  4. Contests/Giveaways – Did you know that there are some Facebook Groups that reward their members with giveaways and contests? This gives you a chance to win cash, gift cards, work at home equipment, or another reward.
  5. One-on-One Assistance – There are times when you need specific help or advice. The members and admin of the Facebook group are available for you to reach out to via private message or publicly anytime you need it.
  6. Resources – Another advantage of being a member of a Wok at Home Facebook group is that you can have access to a variety of resources in the form of resume assistance, sites where you can practice your typing skills, places to earn extra cash online, and more.
  7. Shoutouts – It feels so good when you hear good news from an employer but you will feel even better when you share it with others that have your back. That is one of the things that you will get in a Facebook group that may be lacking on other social media platforms or even offline.
  8. Scams – Being subject to online scams is a given if you are using the Internet to look for legitimate work at home jobs. When you are a part of a Facebook group, it makes it much harder for this to happen because you will be informed and alerted about specific online scams so that you can be on guard and protect yourself.
  9. Work at home Job Leads – You will get access to new work at home companies hiring and legitimate job openings in addition to the ones you already know about. This will give you more options and hopefully help you to land a work at home faster.
  10. Payment Proofs – I always find it encouraging to see a screencast image of someone who actually signed up with a company that paid them. This encourages me to give that company a try. Payment proofs are something that you will find in a work at home Facebook Group.

In addition to the reasons that I listed above, being a part of a Facebook group will help you to have meaningful connections that can last a lifetime. If you are not thoroughly convinced that you should join a Facebook group, please check out ours for a week. I am positive that you will feel right at home and find the help and encouragement that you deserve.

Join our 3 Facebook Groups Below

Workersonboard Community

Established in Nov. 2017 with more than 4,000 members and counting to help support you in your work at home journey.

Extra Cash Sites 

Established just a little over 3 months ago with more than 1,300 members it offers free information on ways you can earn extra cash from home for teens, stay at home moms, and others.

Workersonboard Fans 

This group has more than 200 members who can get answers about technical issues, get updates about contests, work at home news and so much more.

Please join me in each group. I am very active and available to help you as much as I can.


Nathalie Argueles · November 19, 2019 at 5:20 am

I am so excited right now after reading this! Thaaaaankkk you!

    aw1219 · June 11, 2021 at 10:13 pm

    You are very welcome. Be sure to come back for more content about working from home.

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