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A lot of people are interested in working from home doing data entry.  Data entry is a great way to earn extra money at home but finding legitimate data entry opportunities is quite another.  Because there is a lot of competition out there, these jobs tend to fill up pretty fast.  Are there any alternatives to data entry work that you could do from home and still feel satisfied?  Yes, there is.  I will give you a company that you may not have thought of before that you could work for and still do data entry from home.

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Scribie is a company that you could work from that pays you to transcribe audio from your home computer.  The great thing about this company is that if you don’t have any transcription experience, you can still apply for this job.  If you are a fast and accurate typist. this could be an alternative data entry job for you.  You can sign up to be a transcriber online by completing their test files and getting certified as a transcriber.  Here is an overview of Scribie.

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What are the requirements?

You will need to type fast
A verified PayPal account
Computer with an Internet connection
A headset
Firefox, Safari, or Chrome web browser
The latest version of the Adobe Flash player

How much do they pay?

Scribie pays $10 per audio hour meaning that you will be paid for the amount of audio that you transcribe not for the actual time spent working on it.  So, if you have to go back and repeat the audio several times, your earnings may be quite less than $10 per hour.

Are there additional earnings?

Yes.  They will pay you a $10 bonus for every 3 hours of audio that you transcribed at the end of the month.   You can also increase your earnings by referring other transcribers or customers.  There is no limit to how many referrals you can direct to Scribie.  You will earn a 25% commission for each customer and a 5% commission for every transcriber you refer.

Do I have to work a certain schedule?

No.  You can work when you want for as long as you want to.  You can even choose which files you would like to transcribe.  Scribie will not assign you files to transcribe.  You pick your own!

How do I get certified?

You go to their official website to apply online, confirm your email address, wait for your test invitation, and choose from the available files that you would like to transcribe and submit for review online.  That is it!  After you have done this and your test files have been reviewed and approved by Scribie, then you will be approved as a certified transcriber!  If your test has been rejected, you will have to retake the test and choose different files to transcribe.  You have 10 opportunities to do this.  If you are approved to be a certified transcriber, you will be paid for your test files.

Can I move up in the company?

Yes, you can.  Your performance will continue to be evaluated and if maintain a good grade average, you may be promoted to a Reviewer after just 10 raw transcripts submissions.  This will put you in a position to review others’ transcripts and grade them.  You could also be promoted to be a Self-Reviewer where your payment will double.

When do I get paid?

You can request your payment as long as you have $1 in your account through the PayPal address that you signed up with.

My thoughts

Scribie may not necessarily replace your full-time income but it is a great way to supplement your income if you like to type and can do so relatively fast.  They are always looking for transcribers to work from home and it is a legit opportunity.  It could also be a great way to earn extra income while you are in between jobs.  To check out Scribie for yourself or even to apply online, please go to their official website by clicking here.


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