Have you ever thought about writing your very own book, making your own music, or producing your own films? Do you have a website, blog, or business that you would like to promote? Would you like to earn money every month for content that you wrote without having a blog or website? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to give Createspace a try. This post is going to tell you everything you need to self-publish and sell your book(s), ebook, music, films, and more using Createspace and the best part of it all is that you can do this for free!
Here is what you need to get started if you plan to self-publish
- Sign up for a free account on Createspace using your email address.
- A file of your content and creative works that you saved to your computer to upload. For books, it could be a doc or pdf file. For musicians, you will need an mp3 file. For filmmakers, you need a DVD of your film or movie to send to them.
- You will need to link your bank account if you plan to receive your money from the sales of your book, music, or films through direct deposit. This step is not necessary if you opt to receive a check in the mail.
Believe it or not, this is all you need to use Createspace’s easy step by step set up process to self-publish your content to others online.
So what do you get for free and why do I recommend this company will be explained next.
Why Createspace?
Createspace is an Amazon company that has everything you need to sell your books, ebooks, music, and films to millions. Your content will look very professional, it is easy to use, pays the highest royalties, allows you to design, edit, and market your services, and has 24-hour support to help you through the entire process. There is even an online community of members that can offer insight into their various services.
How long will the process take?
It depends upon you. If you already have your content created, you will just need to go through the step-by-step tutorial process to upload your file or files. This will include but is not limited to selecting your Title, and subtitle, setting a price for your creative works, and selecting channels to sell your content on. If you already have your content ready to upload or send, this process could take about a week or so for it to be live on Amazon and other worldwide channels to sell to others.
How can I protect my content?
Creatspace allows you to enable a feature called DRM short for digital rights management that will protect your contents meaning that a buyer cannot copy the file and provide it to others.
Where can I sell my creative works?
You can sell your books, ebooks, music, or films for free on the Standard Distribution Channels which include: Amazon, Amazon EU, CreateSpace E-Store, and Kindle. If you choose Expanded Distribution it costs you a one-time fee of $25 but you will also be able to have your content listed in Ingram Catalog, Baker & Taylor to be available in libraries, institutions, for sale at retailers, and bookstores in addition to Amazon.
How much does this cost?
Nothing. It is free. Of course, you can opt to pay for professional services but this is not a requirement and not even necessary to self-publish and sell through Createspace. It is simply another option.
How much will I earn?
Unlimited earnings. You will earn royalties for the lifetime of your books, music, and films. There is no cap limit amount. It also depends on how much you sell your content for and how much you sell. You could easily earn a few extra dollars a month or a lot more depending upon how many copies you sell.
When will I get paid?
You will get paid every month as long as you reach the payment threshold. For direct deposit, the payment threshold is $10 and for a check, it is $100. Here is an example of how it works. If you sell 4 books for $9.99 and you earn $7 in royalties for the sale of each book in May, you have made $28. This amount will be paid to you the following month at the end of June if you have chosen direct deposit. If you have decided to receive a check in the mail, your money will roll over until you reach $100 and will be sent to you the following month towards the end of the month. For example, if you earned $100 in September for the sales of your book, you will get a check in the mail toward the end of October for that amount.
How do I sign up?
Simply go to Createspace’s official website here and sign up for a free account today! I also made a video tutorial on exactly how the process works on Createspace that you can watch below.
I even included a couple of tips on some topics or subjects you could write a book or ebook on and how you could get someone else to do this if you don’t like to write.