Have you ever thought about writing your own book? Maybe you have decided to put this on your to-do list or keep it on the back burner because you are not really sure how to execute this plan. Or maybe you have always dreamed about having your own book that you personally wrote with your name on it! Something that is your own that you could use to pass down to your children, share with your friends or have a personal copy of it all for yourself. Well, there is a way for you to accomplish this by using a couple of sites. Amazon Direct Publishing or Createspace. Both of these services are free and available to all authors and creators.
But how do you get started and what programs will I need and so forth?
I just made a video tutorial that will explain exactly what software you will need, and how to save your book’s content, upload it and publish it on Amazon and other worldwide channels. If you use Createspace, which is an Amazon company, you will be able to sell a physical copy of your book along with the Kindle version if you decide to publish it on Amazon Direct Publishing. Createspace will also you to self-publish your own music and movies for free in addition to books.
If you are a creator of content or aspire to be one, you will definitely want to watch this video tutorial that will help you get your book published in as little as 2 up to 7 days. Self-publishing your own content, which you have control over is another way to obtain passive income for yourself. Even those who have never written a book before could definitely make this goal a reality using Amazon and Createspace.
Please watch this video tutorial that will explain
- How to get started with self-publishing
- How much it will cost
- How to download and save your content
- The benefits of using Amazon and Createspace
- How royalties work
- How you can place links to your books, music, and film on your own website/blog
You can watch the video below and let me know if you have published your own book or plan to do so in the future in the comments. Enjoy and please share!