If you have been looking for legitimate data entry work from home, you have no doubt probably heard about Virtualbee (formerly known as Keyforcash). Right now would be a great time for you to apply for this company because tax season is here and there will be plenty of work that will need to be keyed in.
Don’t be discouraged if you’ve tried to apply for Virtualbee in the past but have encountered a little difficulty trying to obtain a sufficient score. This post has some practical, easy tips that could possibly help you to get a higher score so that you will be invited to work from home for this company.
- Use a sturdy keyboard.
Try to find a keyboard that will be effective in helping you to type faster. If you have a desktop keyboard, this would be ideal because the keys are elevated. Because the keys have to be pressed down, this will eliminate simple errors that you may make when typing from a laptop or on an iPad or other electronic device. If you don’t have a desktop keyboard, use whatever you have available to you.
- Use a desk or sturdy table
This will also enable you to have your fingers and hands in a relaxed position that will help you navigate to and from the different keys on your keyboard. It will also give you a place for your to rest your hands.
- Read the instructions carefully
Before you decide to take the test, read all of the instructions. Take your time completing this step because it will help you to avoid common errors. If you see something that you can not read, please press enter and skip the snippet. If the image is completely blank type in a backslash. This button will be right next to the shift button on your keyboard in the lower corner or next to the period button.
- Do not type in capital letters
Please do not type in any capital letters at all. You can simply type everything in lowercase keys.
- Practice
Try to practice as much as you can and increase your keystrokes. The faster you type, the higher your score will be. You can find various typing exercises for free all over the Internet.
You can also watch this latest video on exactly what the snippets will look like and how you should key them. You can watch it here.
Tameka · January 8, 2013 at 5:08 pm
Thanks, Alicia
I feel more confident and ready to sign-up and take the test for VirtualBee. Thanks again for all your hardwork and dedication to helping people find work
while at home.
ALICIA · May 2, 2013 at 12:44 pm
Hi Tameka, thank you for your comments and I am glad it was helpful to you.
Earn Now · May 11, 2013 at 4:08 pm
Thank heavens and thank Alicia for showing me a legit Data Entry job. My only problem is I’m writing comments just trying to avoid taking the Data Entry Test. I wish I wasn’t so lazy, I wish Alicia would make a Motivation Video.
ALICIA · May 13, 2013 at 10:29 pm
I understand your hesitations. It is not very hard at all. I will try to make a motivational video about working from home very soon.
Jewel · July 20, 2013 at 6:32 am
Hi Alicia,
I have started the test and my percentage is 81. What percentage do I need in order pass or get invited to start working
Anonymous · November 14, 2013 at 6:21 pm
Some people are hired at a score of 98 that I have heard of. And they SAY they hire new people like every 2 weeks. depending on how much work they have.
Alicia Washington · November 15, 2013 at 12:56 am
I believe that. I have also heard that people have gotten hired in at a 97 percent score as well. I do know of a few people that recently got invited to work for Virtualbee and some one person had applied back in May. I would say if you receive a 97 or above, you have a good chance of getting invited to work for Virtualbee.